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As winter blankets New England in a layer of snow, it’s not just the landscape that transforms; our homes become a haven for some unexpected, yet fascinating, winter guests. From furry wanderers to masked bandits, these creatures bring a touch of wild charm to our winter abodes. 

Ever imagine having a bear as your winter neighbor? Well, in New England, it’s not entirely out of the question. Black bears, with their thick fur and cozy winter coats, may wander close to human habitats in search of food before their long winter nap. Picture catching a glimpse of one from the warmth of your living room, safely observing as it sniffs around for a seasonal snack.

skunk spray or smellSkunks are another winter visitor that might make an appearance. These black-and-white stink bombs are surprisingly adaptable to colder temperatures. They might be digging around in your garden or scavenging for treats under a layer of snow. Just remember to keep a safe distance; nobody wants to end up on the wrong side of a skunk.

Raccoons are the masked bandits of the winter scene. With their distinctive markings and nimble paws, they’re known for raiding trash cans in search of a winter feast. Imagine looking out your window and seeing a raccoon family on a chilly nighttime mission, their little paws creating adorable prints in the snow.

Squirrels, although a common sight year-round, become more noticeable in the winter. These acrobatic little creatures are busy preparing for the cold months and are often seen darting through trees or leaping from snowy branches. Keep an eye out for their entertaining antics as they gather and store food for the winter chill.

So, what can you do to make the most of these unexpected winter visitors? Well, consider embracing the charm of wildlife in your backyard by creating a cozy space for them. Set up bird feeders or leave out nuts for squirrels to enjoy, turning your winter landscape into a bustling animal-friendly retreat.

Contact Creature Catchers for all your creature-catching needs!

Explore winter guests in New England with Creature Catchers! Call (781) 885-7635 for expert animal removal. Safely manage wildlife around your home. Whether you’re a wildlife enthusiast or dealing with unexpected visitors, trust Creature Catchers to create a harmonious winter experience. It’s time to enjoy your space without unwanted guests; contact us today!